Wondering how to fuel the flames of passion in your relationship? Look no further than Wacky Dancers! Here are some primo tips on tipping the love scales in your favor.
Show up at her work with flowers in a Salsa Verde suit. She can’t complain that it’s the eighth time this month if you’re in a costume.
Steal a cop car. Pull her over for speeding while wearing Blue Danube. You’ll both have something to laugh about when the real cops catch up to you and you’re spending the night together. In jail.
Ladies, catch him at the strip club with his buddies when he told you they were just going to be playing video games. Sensuously brush his face with the silky arms of Cha Cha. He’ll never look at another woman again.
Surprise your loved one at karaoke in a Tango Snuggles heart-eyed Wacky Dancer. Serenade him or her with a tear-jerking rendition of Enter Sandman. Seriously, a guy tried to pick me up by doing this once. It was great.
Do you have any romantic plans for your Wacky Dancer? Share them in the comments!